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Sali Bache

Sali is an ocean governance and climate change specialist with two decades of experience in common property resource conservation through Asia and Oceania. She has developed and delivered numerous research programs on SDG interaction with experience across energy, industry decarbonisation and nature-based solutions, as well as human centred impacts of climate change. She recently led the delegation and was pavilion director for Monash University at UNFCCC COP28, prior to which worked to establish the South East Asia Framework for Ocean Action in Mitigation (SEAFOAM) Program in Indonesia. Sali has published extensively in the fields of ocean-climate nexus, fisheries and wildlife conservation, and trade and environment. She provides advice to and has represented governments, intergovernmental bodies and NGO observer organisations in a variety of capacities at multilateral negotiations. She is an Adjunct Associate Professor with the Monash Sustainable Development Institute, sits on the board of Psychology for a Safe Climate, is engaged in the UNEP GEO-7 process and is a faculty member of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership. Sali has a PhD in Public Policy from the Australian National University, a Bachelor of Science (Hons) from Monash University and holds higher degree qualifications in Environmental Impact Assessment, System Dynamic Modelling and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

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  • Speed 2023
    Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 14
    Submission to acceptance (median days): 70

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    Downloads: 150,498
    Altmetric mentions: 53

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