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Table 2 Examples of additional SDG Targets 1–12 and 16–17 that can be discussed in college coursework across the curriculum and nonformal educational activities using 4DEE to promote human-environment interactions awareness and encourage appropriate sustainability-focused behavior. Goals are in boldface; Targets (summarized from original wording) are in normal typeface

From: How a multidimensional ecology education approach can enhance college curricula to implement the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

1. No poverty

 1.5 Build resilience of the poor to climate related extreme events, and other problems.

2. Zero hunger

 2.3 Double agricultural productivity.

 2.4 Ensure sustainable food production systems, implement practices to maintain Ecosystems.

 2.5 Maintain genetic diversity of seeds and agronomic plants.

3. Good health and well-being

 3.9 Reduce illnesses from air, water, and soil contamination.

4. Quality education

 4.3 Ensure access to quality technical or college education.

 4.4 Ensure readiness for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.

 4.6 Ensure everyone achieves literacy and numeracy.

 4.7 Create a population educated for sustainability and good world citizens.

 4.b Improve vocational and scientific education in L.D.C.s.

 4.c Increase the supply of qualified teachers.

5. Gender equality

 5.5 Promote women's participation in decision-making in political, economic and public life.

 5.c Leverage policies and legislation to empower women.

6. Clean water and sanitation

 6.3 Improve water quality by reducing pollution.

 6.5 Implement universal integrated water resources management.

 6.6 Protect and restore water-related ecosystems.

 6.b Help local communities improve water and sanitation management.

7. Affordable and clean energy

 7.2 Increase share of renewable energy.

 7.3 Improve energy efficiency.

8. Decent work and economic growth

 8.4 Decouple economic growth from environmental degradation.

 8.9 Promote job-creating sustainable tourism.

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure

 9.1 Develop sustainable infrastructure to support human well-being.

 9.2 Promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization.

 9.5 Enhance scientific research and technological capabilities, especially in developing countries.

10. Reduced inequalities

 10.7 Facilitate safe, orderly, regular and responsible migration of people.

11. Sustainable cities and communities

 11.5 Reduce impacts caused by natural disasters.

 11.6 Reduce environmental impact of cities especially to air quality and waste.

 11.b Improve ability of cities to respond to climate change and natural disasters.

12. Responsible consumption and production

 12.4 Safely manage chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle.

 12.8 Provide information to all regarding sustainability and living with nature.

16. Peace, justice, and strong institutions

 16.7 Ensure fair and effective decision-making.

 16.b Promote non-discriminatory laws for sustainable development.

17. Partnerships for the goals

 17.6 Countries share scientific and technical knowledge and innovation.

 17.7 Disseminate environmentally sound technologies to developing countries

 17.9 Support targeted capacity-building in developing countries.

 17.15 Let each country determine its path to sustainability & poverty reduction.

 17.17 Promote public, private & civil society partnerships

 17.18 Enhance capacity-building through effective data.