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Table 1 Summary of the strength of connections between SDGs 13–15 and 4DEE curricular dimensions

From: How a multidimensional ecology education approach can enhance college curricula to implement the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

4DEE Curricular


SDG 13

Climate Action

SDG 14

Life under Water

SDG 15

Life on Land


Core Ecological

Concepts (CEC)

26/70 = 37.1%**

38/70 = 54.3%**

38/105 = 36.2%**

102/245 = 41.6%**

Ecology Practices (EP)

30/70 = 42.9%**

47/70 = 67.1%***

61/105 = 58.1%**

138/245 = 56.3%**


Interactions (HEI)

29/40 = 72.5%***

33/40 = 82.5%***

52/60 = 86.7%***

114/140 = 81.4%***

Cross-Cutting Themes (CCT)

12/40 = 30.0%*

35/40 = 87.5%***

32/60 = 53.3%**

79/140 = 56.4%**


97/220 = 44.1%**

153/220 = 69.5%***

183/330 = 55.5%**

433/770 = 56.2%**

  1. Total # of subcategories for SDG 13 = 10, for SDG 14 = 10 and for SDG 15 = 15. Total # of sub-categories for the 4DEE dimensions are CEC = 7, EP = 7, HIE = 4, CCT = 4
  2. Each fraction represents the number of connections divided by the number possible ? followed by the percentage. The strength of linkage was defined as follows: 0?4.9% - no linkage, *5?33.3% - linkage present, **33.4?66.6% - good linkage, ***66.7% - 94.9% - strong linkage, **** > 95% - very strong linkage