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Table 1 Weekly learning experiences of each group over the 6 week project

From: A participatory student workshop on climate change and sustainability: a comparative case study


Students’ learning experiences

Pupils’ learning experiences


The students did not understand the difference between weather and climate. They learned to use weather measurement instruments at the school to learn weather data collection skills, to read data records, and to use the data to make graphs using their collected data. From this they began to see how weather and climate are related but not the same.

The entry point into the project for the pupils was a study of weather from the perspective of temperature. As a geography lesson, the students learned about world climate zones; in science class they conducted experiments to learn what could cause air temperature to vary in containers of different shapes, colors, and materials; in technology class, they created their own thermometers, anemometers and rain gauges. In maths class they plotted temperature data and created graphs.


Students practiced online research skills to learn possible climate scenarios developed by the IPCC. They researched data to understand predicted temperature and precipitation models in France, as simulated under various CO2 emission levels [5]. In addition they learned about the SDGs established in 2015 by the UN and reflected on how several of these relate to climate change [6].

To approach the theme of climate, the pupils began with news articles about floods, record temperatures and draughts in France. Next they looked for the causes of these events using documents that the two teachers had chosen. Then they tried to find other articles about other consequences of CC beyond the ones they had read about in the news articles.


After having learned about the causes of climate change, the students wished to explore its possible consequences and propose solutions. Each student created a slideshow to demonstrate what (s) he learned and to propose lifestyle changes that individuals can make to work toward solutions. (Slide-show topics included consumption, agriculture, water resource management, biodiversity, population movement, health and energy.)

In groups of three or four, the pupils prepared a slideshow using the same seven topics, focusing on the consequences of global warming in France. This task was more difficult for them because it was the first time that they had used digital tools to make slideshows.


Meeting between students and pupils

Both age-groups’ slideshows were used to create a final slide show on each topic. Each group, consisting of a student and three or four pupils, presented their work to the others. Afterward, they discussed and proposed solutions and questions for the meeting scheduled the following week at the Town Hall.


Appointment at the Town Hall with an agent in charge of environmental policies.

(Summary of meeting is in Results section; see Additional file 1 for complete notes).

Four students were invited to the town hall to discuss solutions to help mitigate the effects of CC.

The two pupils who were elected to the Municipal Children’s Council went to present the project to a Town Hall official. They explained that they wished they could eat local fruits and vegetables at the school cafeteria, and they wished that they could ride their bikes safely (in separate bike lanes) to school and in town, where the roads are national routes with fast-moving trucks and cars.


Visit to a local museum exhibition on the Amazon forest.

The exhibition consisted of a series of juxtaposed photos to make the most faithful reconstruction possible of the environment of this forest. The guide described why forests, this one in particular, are important in the control of GHGs. He showed incredible plants and animals and explained their interactions with the environment. The learners participated together in thematic workshops on the equilibrium of the Amazon rainforest ecosystem. The guides answered questions about the animals, plants and human-caused threats to the balance of the system.