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Table 3 Gehl’s 12 quality criteria concerning the pedestrian landscape along with added biophilic design interventions

From: Biophilic streets: a design framework for creating multiple urban benefits

12 quality criteria concerning the pedestrian landscape (Gehl 2010,p. 239)

Biophilic design interventions


Protection against traffic and accidents

– feeling safe

Protection for

Pedestrians and cyclists.

Eliminating fear of traffic.

Protection against

Crime & violence

- feeling secure

Lively public realm.

Eyes on the street.

Overlapping functions

day and night.

Good lighting.

Protection against

Unpleasant sensory






Dust, noise, glare.

Vegetated hedges as protection from traffic.

Tree canopy to mitigate weather conditions and reduce noise

Plant palette designed to capture and retain airborne particulate matter

Dynamic & diffuse lighting provided by tree and shrub planting, and water features;

Mobile structures such as ‘CityTree’ and Mobile Forest, Pop-up parklets


Opportunities to walk

Room for walking.

No obstacles.

Good surfaces.

Accessibility for everyone.

Interesting facades.

Opprtunities to stand/stay

Edge effect/attractive zones for standing/staying.

Support for standing.

Opportunities to sit

Zones for sitting.

Utilising advantages: view, sun, people.

Good places to sit.

Benches for resting.

Tree canopies

Vegetated walk paths.

Vertical gardens (creepers or green walls).

Natural materials. Naturalistic shapes and forms (facades and pavements).

Urban furniture integrated with plant beds, vertical gardens, water features.

Creating interesting views with greeneries.

Using vegetated hedges to create noise buffers/intimate spaces/exercise and play spaces.

Biophilic structures such as parklets, ‘CityTree’, Green bus stop shelters

Opportunities to see

Reasonable viewing distances.

Unhindered sightlines.

Interesting views.

Lighting (when dark).

Opportunities to talk and listen

Low noise level.

Street furniture that provides ‘talkscapes’.

Opportunities for play and exercise

Invitations for creativity, physical activity, exercise and play.

By day and night.

In summer and winter.



Building and spaces designed to human scale.

Opportunities to enjoy the positive aspects of climate




Positive sensory experiences

Good design and detailing.

Good materials.

Fine views.

Trees, plants, water.

Well-designed public green spaces to fit different age groups needs and expectations.

Plant selection according to climate, soil, seasons to maximise sensory and aesthetic experiences.

Use greeneries to (re) create human scale.

Public art

Mobile and temporary structures such as parklets, pop-up gardens, ‘CityTree’, Mobile Forest, Green bus shelters