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Table 1 Student Project Content

From: Urban youth preserving the environmental commons: student learning in place-based stewardship education as citizen scientists

Description of student projects

A study of the ecological history of land use in the community and humans’ relationships to their food which led to permaculture practices in growing food on the school grounds.

An investigation of a local urban park’s ecological and social history, water quality sampling and storm water management leading to flood mitigation through installation of a bioswale.

Community mapping and investigations which led to studies of local food economies and urban gardens.

Water quality and habitat health investigations of local water bodies which led to design and creation of water filtration systems.

Studies of sustainability, biodiversity, local agriculture and food systems, incorporating climate change research, invasive species removal, construction and maintenance of school food gardens and harvesting vegetables.

Community surveys, planning, design and creation of a community park by reclaiming neighborhood abandoned houses and vacant lots.

Photo-essays of strengths and opportunities in the community’s natural and built environments and community murals of local African American history.

A study of availability and access to healthy, pesticide free food which led to planting and care of an urban community garden.